Tuesday, July 28, 2015
June car exports drop 45.53%
4 Exciting Careers in the Automotive Industry
Automotive Service Technician
If you're interested in taking automotive courses that will give you marketable skills, consider enrolling in an Automotive Service Technician program. These technicians - more commonly known as mechanics - learn the ins and outs of vehicle repair and maintenance. Graduates begin work with all the knowledge needed to be completely self-sufficient mechanics, able to work in a number of different automotive environments.
Auto Body Collision Estimators
If you're interested in being involved in repair estimation, then consider enrolling in Auto Body Collision Estimator automotive courses. This training will give you the tools you need to properly gauge the extent of damage to an accidented car, and estimate the required repairs. Students learn the basics of evaluation, and also the systems used to determine repair costs.
Automotive Service Consultant
Some people love cars, but also have a great facility with social interactions. If you're one of these individuals, then think about taking some automotive courses to become a Service Consultant. This program trains you in how to be the liaison between the mechanic and the customer. In other words, you act as a kind of translator, explaining issues to mechanics so they can fix the problem, and then explaining the required repairs to be done to clients in easy-to-understand language.
Automotive Business Managers
For those who love business, there is the Automotive Business Manager program. Over the span of several automotive courses, students are trained in finance, marketing, and law. Students also learn about leases, the sale of aftermarket products, and the software systems used in the car industry. The end result is a solid understanding of everything required to start working in a car dealership, managing the business' day-to-day operations.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Thailand: Auto output seen reaching 2 million in 2012
Thailand's Auto Production To Reach 2 Million Units In 2012
Sunday, July 26, 2015
3 Automotive Programs That May Be Right for You
Advanced Automotive Service Advisor
If you enjoy working with people, then this automotive school program may be the one for you. It's designed to train students to become parts consultants or service advisors. Both of these jobs require the ability to interact with consumers on a daily basis. You have to love people, and you have to have the ability to put a smile every day. You also have to have a "technical" mind, in the sense that you have to become familiar with a wide variety of automotive parts.
In addition to learning the basics of customer service, students of this program also learn the following:
· Time management skills
· Basics of automotive systems
· Conflict resolution
· Effective communication
· Invoicing procedures
· Inventory control
· Understanding warranties
· Understanding how dealerships work
Transportation Operations Specialist
A Transportation Operations Specialist program is for people who are interested in the logistics end of the trucking business. This automotive school program will teach you the ins and outs of being a dispatcher. You'll learn how to coordinate and schedule shipments in order to ensure that everything gets to its destination on time. You'll also learn how to use the computer systems that are critical to every dispatcher's job. Courses covered in this program include:
· Transportation basics
· Safety and compliance
· Fleet maintenance
· Driver management
Automotive Technology Training
If you've ever thought about being a mechanic, Automotive Technology Training is the program for you. It will give you the hands-on knowledge required to repair and maintain cars. It's one of the more well-known programs offered by auto schools, and for good reason: there will always be a need for mechanics. Offered by nearly every automotive school, the program covers the technical aspects of vehicle repair, but also teaches students how to use the many devices that are used by mechanics on a daily basis, such as:
· Chassis dynamometers
· Brake lathes
· Diagnostic scanners
· Engine diagnostic equipment
· Wheel alignment analyzers
So if you're thinking about enrolling in an automotive school, consider one of these programs. They just may open the door to the career that's right for you.
Contact The Canadian Automotive & Trucking Institute for more information on their automotive school.
Percey Evans is a freelance writer who works for Higher Education Marketing, a leading Web marketing firm specializing in Google Analytics, Education Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile SMS Alerts, Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, among other Web marketing services and tools.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
PATTAYA MAIL: TAI keeps faith in auto biz in 2011
Friday, July 24, 2015
Automotive Training Schools
Automotive Training programs include combined classroom instruction and hands-on experience. Students of Automotive Training should expect to receive instruction while working on older model as well as newer model vehicles, as it is imperative to be familiar with the early as well as the latest in automotive technology.
Trade and technical Automotive Training Schools offer programs that may last up to a year. Two-year associate degree programs are not uncommon. Community college Automotive Training programs combine automotive instruction with courses in general studies. Certification is available through some programs. Automotive Training curriculums may include customer service and communication skills.
Today electronic systems and complex computers run cars while measuring performance on the road. Automotive Technicians have become high-tech diagnosticians, using electronic diagnostic equipment and computer-based reference materials. The ability to diagnose the source of a problem quickly and accurately can be the most challenging and most rewarding skill for a good Automotive Training student.
Other skills that will serve an Automotive Technician are sound reasoning capabilities and a thorough knowledge of the complex components and interactions of auto bodies and motors.
Automotive Training Schools must continually update their curriculum to keep apace of rapidly changes in technology. Certified Automotive Technicians can expect to be subject to regular review and recertification requisites.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Better statistics: China leads the way
AFG Meeting: Hemaraj Technical College Presentation
The presentation focussed on the status and future of education of Thai workers – and a significant gap between the industry requirements and the available human resource.
As a response, Hemaraj plans to set up a Technical College based partly on the German apprentice system to offer technical education to Thai workers.
This excellent presentation by Khun Preeprem Malasitt, Special Project Director at Hemaraj about the Hemaraj Technical College Project is now online and ready for download.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
BANGKOK POST: Eco-car may get a rethink
He said a government panel seeking solutions to delays in the programme to build small, fuel-efficient cars could favour a "green tax" incentive"The more reductions in carbon emissions and the greener technology for engines [that carmakers can provide], the more green tax incentives they would receive," he said.
Is ADD Now TO ADD - Technology Induced Attention Deficit Disorder?
Along with this technology, comes greater expectation. Initially, users were limited to certain types of data; internal business data and standard news information, enabling people to provide limited information to management and peers.
As technology has become a focal point of life for most of the developed world, cost has decreased as rapidly as innovation has progressed, making information more accessible and affordable than ever before.
With this reduced cost and more readily available access, new problems have come to light. Business and human process began to rely more on technology. People began to rely on technology to make decisions or mange decisions. In the past, it was only businesses that relied on technology to drive efficiencies, creating expectation previously achieved through people, process and time. Now, personal expectations have been raised, for every aspect of our lives. This fundamental change in expectation is the foundation for our assertion that ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) has manifested itself in many aspects of our lives, both in and out of the workplace; our term for this is Technology Induced Attention Deficit Disorder or TIADD.
Twelve years ago we introduced TIADD to the business community as part of our methodology for resolving business efficiency issues in the workplace. In the late 1990's, this disorder was manifesting itself regularly in the workplace, however throughout the early 2000's, TIADD has begun to show up throughout society.
TIADD is a new foundation for inefficiency and vulnerability. An entire generation of worker is being trained to rely solely on technology to collect, analyze, process and distribute information. The inefficiencies are created through lack of planning and understanding of foundational business and personal process, as it relates to an organization or individual prior to technology implementation. Vulnerabilities are created when this technology is implemented with inefficiencies; people are psychologically affected by the negative impact of the technology. Additionally, the individual changes to business and personal process being used to circumvent technology based processes not properly learned, affect the overall performance of individual people, social groups and entire companies. These inefficiencies and vulnerabilities are the foundation for TIADD.
Physiology of the Problem
Since ADD has been determined to be a physiological disorder based on biological problems within the brain; it is important to clarify any physiological association to TIADD. Since, many people already have clinical ADD or ADHD, any condition caused by technology would only be a manifestation of their physiological issues. TIADD is a problem that is societal and caused solely by the introduction and reliance of technology in our current society. I do not begin to imply that TIADD is yet physiological or biological in nature; however I do believe that through evolution of technology and people, it may become a physiological issue.
Sociology of Problem
The sociology of TIADD is very clear. Society has become reliant on technology to streamline every facet of our life. People use technology to streamline communications, write letters analyze numbers. Mechanics utilize technology to diagnose cars, fix internal issues. Medical professionals use technology to quickly diagnose ailments and as reference tools to better understand case studies and application of remedy. Legal and banking professionals utilize technology to manipulate data and research trends or cases to quickly accomplish tasks that once took days, months or even years. And people use technology to forge relationships based on a new level of communication standard, one in which delay can affect the relationship both short and long term.
This change to the very fabric of business and life process has trained people to expect results, based on technology, in less and less time. If and often, when this technology fails to meet the individual, group or company expectations, impatience, distraction, impulsive requirements for information and results, hyper sensitivity to human interaction and a complete lack of social development within many social structures is causing a new uneasiness within society as a whole.
All of these symptoms are used to traditionally diagnose ADD, this onset of symptoms throughout society, is the basis for TIADD.
Technology Induced Attention Deficit Disorder has been established as a disorder, because of the use of psychology during the implementations of technology throughout the world. In analyzing issues related to business process failure, workplace lack of moral and the association to the implementation of technology, a correlation was noted between psychological issues in the workplace and these implementations. In addition, through the interview process of thousands of people, there was a common scenario; people were becoming more impatient and had less ability to function psychologically on problems that were once solved without technology. Additionally, apprehension and an inability to focus on problem solving or understand issues caused by behavior between people seemed to have a root in technology based changes.
These examples are based on issues with people that caused companies to consider technology enhancements, replacements or fixes; for business process and moral problems within their organization. The subjects used for this analysis are from all walks of life around the world.
Collection of Data
The collection of this data was governed by a structured data collection model known as BizVision, a very simple methodology, based on a series of questions, used to gain a high level understanding of the business process of people. The data also includes details about technology usage and individual interaction with other people. All of this data is compiled into a simple database for compilation and review. Models are designed, based on the process answers. Emotional and ability profiles were developed, to help determine the level of education at each position and the ability to teach new process or technologies.
It is during this part of the analysis that the psychological effects and abilities of each worker are reviewed again. We look at our data compilations and uncovered severe apprehension, lack of attention and inability to focus or change, as areas of concern. It is here that we saw TIADD manifest itself.
Our findings are simple and clear. As people have evolved with technology, their expectations for performance and ability to deal with human emotion caused by both personal and business process failures have changed. People have less ability to focus on problem solving, less ability to remain patient and less ability to accept people with less ability than themselves. These flaws and the ensuing result, lack of patience, lack of focus, emotional distress, work induced stress and human conflict at all levels point to TIADD.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Tengzhong will likely buy Hummer through offshore entity
Modern Science and Technology and the Challenges of Third World Countries

The benefits of science and technology far outweigh every perceived shortcoming. Some of the biggest effects of technology are in the area of communication; through the internet and mobile phones. There is advancement of communication and expansions of economic commerce. Today we hear of information and communication technology (ICT). Any institution worth its name must have it in place to be really outstanding. Information technology has become boosted in today's generation; from the field of communication, business, education, and down to the entertainment industry. Through information technology, work performances are boosted with less effort and greater productivity by using various operations. Without computers or the internet, it will be difficult for people all over the world to get their questions answered. One may use the internet to locate a wealth of information with which to answer an essay question that may have been assigned at school, communicate with people, conduct transactions, access news, buy and advertise goods. The list is endless.
The advancement of Science and technology allow mass communication today so that we not only have the television, radio and newspaper, but even mobile phones which renders a multipurpose service; from long distance calls, listening to radio and music, playing games, taking pictures, recording voice and video, and browsing the internet. The benefits we obtain as a result of services from ICT have become widespread in our generation today. It improves the productive level of individuals and workers because People's knowledge of life beyond the area they lived in is now unlimited. This idea of mass communication also profoundly affects politics as leaders now have many ways they talk directly to the people. Apart from going on air to use radio or television, politicians resort to the social media for some of their political comments and campaign. Information about protests and revolutions are being circulated online, especially through social media. This has caused political upheavals and resulted in change of government in most countries today.
Furthermore, current global issues are much more accessible to the public. Communication has been brought also to the next level because one can find new ways to be able to communicate with loved ones at home.
Science and technology expand society's knowledge. Science helps humans gain increased understanding of how the world works, while technology helps scientists make these discoveries. Learning has maximized because of different media that are being developed which are all interactive and which bring learning experiences to the next level. Businesses have grown and expanded because of breakthroughs in advertising.
Modern technology has changed the way many companies produce their goods and handle their business. The idea and use of video and web conferencing, for instance, has helped companies remove geographical barriers and given them the opportunity to reach out to employees and clients through out the world. In today's economy, it has helped companies reduce the cost and inconveniences of travelling, allowing them to meet as often as they could like without having to worry about finding the budget to settle it. Modern technology helps companies reduce their carbon footprint and become green due to the fact that almost anything can be done from a computer.
There have been advances in medical care through the development of science and technology. Advances in medical technology have contributed immensely in extending the life span of people. People with disabilities or health problems are now more and more able to live closer to normal lives. This is because science contributes to developing medications to enhance health as well as technology such as mobile chairs and even electronics that monitor current body levels. Most devices used by the physically challenged people are customized and user friendly.
Science and technology increase road safety. Nowadays, law enforcement officers use Laser technology to detect when automobiles are exceeding speed limits. Technology has led to the development of modern machines such as cars and motorcycles which allow us to be mobile and travel freely and airplanes which travel at a supersonic speed.
Another machine, the air- conditioner, provides cool comfort, especially during hot weather. In offices where dress codes exist, people can afford to wear suits without being worried about the weather. It guarantees convenience even when the climate says otherwise.
Moreover, present day factories have modern facilities like machines and soft ware that facilitate production. These machines work with greater speed and perfection incomparable with human skills. These machines have enabled markets to have surplus products all over the world. For the soft ware, they make it possible for machines to be programmed, for production to be regulated, to monitor the progress being recorded and so on.
Modern technology indeed has been great. For third world countries, however, it has been challenging, especially the area of production. Only consuming and not been able to manufacture does not favour any country when it comes to balance of trade. The most sensitive parts of technology are the theoretical or conceptual parts and technical parts. These are the backbone of technological development anywhere in the world. Without the ideas, there will not be technology. Third world counties need to go back to the basics, that is, to the primitive. There must be meeting ground for tradition and modern technological invention. Third world countries engage in import substitution strategy where they import half finished goods and complete the tail end of the production process domestically. Third world countries started wrongly. They started with climbing the ladder from the top which is very wrong and difficult. They thought that being able to purchase and operate modern technological products qualifies for advancement in science and technological development. This makes third world countries to be a dependent system because working in the factories are routine work and this inevitably links to the issue of the idea of technology transfer. They should seek for technological transfer, but the problem is that no nation is ready to transfer her hard earned technological knowledge to any other nation for some certain reasons which drive nations into competition; world politics and economic prowess. That is the struggle to lead or dominate other nations technologically, economically and politically. Be the first to invent new gadgets and latest electronics including those used in modern warfare, use other nations as market for finished goods, and to have a strong voice and be able to influence other countries. They should consider embarking on technological espionage so as to acquire the rudiments for technological development if they must liberate themselves from the shackles of technological domination.
In conclusion, it's not until third world countries begin to put embargo on the importation of certain electronics and mechanical goods that the necessity to be creative would replace the habit of consuming foreign products. Countries like Thailand, Burma, Brazil, and South Africa and so on, should be emulated. These countries experienced colonialism yet they did not allow it to overwhelm their creative prowess. Industry and determination saw them emerge as economic giants in the world today. Third world countries should emulate them by carrying out proper feasibility studies to ascertain which technology will suit their country; giving more financial boost to this area, training people to become experts; motivating and encouraging individuals who are naturally endowed and technologically inclined to display their bests of talents. These measures if strictly adhered to will go a long way to help the advancement of these countries in the area of science and technology. If these countries must achieve greatness before the next decade, they have to make conscious and unrelenting efforts. The time starts now! The more they delay, the more backward they become.
Monday, July 20, 2015
CHINA CAR TIMES: Electric Geely Panda to be built this year
(Comment above by Uli Kaiser)
BANGKOK POST: Magna, RHJ, BAIC in the race to take over Opel
Sunday, July 19, 2015
BANGKOK POST: Pickup trucks fare worst in auto slump
Pickup sales for the period fell by 35.95% year-on-year to 112,869 units.
USA Today: World's cheapest car: First Tata Nano is delivered in India; due in U.S. in two years
Friday, July 17, 2015
BANGKOK POST: Auto market drop of 22% foreseen
Total sales for 2009 are expected to drop 22% year-on-year to 480,000 units, while 2008 sales slipped only 3% year-on-year to 615,000 units, he said.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
THE NATION: Auto market remains subdued in first half
BANGKOK POST: Bold tax cuts may fire up eco-cars
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Thai Automotive Institute: Vehicle Production in Thailand
Monday, July 13, 2015
THE NATION: Bridgestone's new plant to make retread material
THE NATION: Tax break on eco-car parts
Bangkok Post: AAT opens $500m compact car plant

Auto Alliance Thailand (AAT), the 50-50 joint venture of Ford Motor and Mazda Corp, opened its new $500-million compact car plant yesterday aimed at positioning Thailand as a global manufacturing hub for the two international automakers.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Sunday Candy: Everything you need to know about electric cars
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
The Future of the Thai Auto Industry

Atchaka Sibunruang, secretary-general of the Board of Investment (BoI), last Thursday said automobiles are a core local industry, as evidenced by the 1.65 million vehicles produced last year.
GM Thailand Looks for Piece of Growing SUV Market
Edd Ellison write for WARDS AUTO:
General Motors’ body-on-frame Chevrolet Trailblazer pitches the auto maker into an emerging segment here.
Bowing at the Bangkok International Motor Show earlier this year, the new model is aimed squarely at the Toyota Fortuner, which arrived in the market in 2005 and has dominated the D-class SUV segment ever since.
The Trailblazer, a spin-off from the Colorado pickup, follows the Fortuner game plan, which was derived from Toyota’s Hilux pickup and has proved a success for the auto maker not only here but throughout the Association of Southeast Asian Nations region.
Click here to read the whole article.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
CHINA DAILY: Japan taps Indonesia as car production base
And China will also be 'tapping' in very soon I guess...
JAKARTA - Indonesia's improving investment climate and high automobile sales led two major Japanese car makers, Daihatsu and Suzuki, to name the country their production base for global and regional markets, local media reported here on Wednesday.
Industry Minister MS Hidayat announced on Tuesday that Daihatsu would hold a ground-breaking ceremony on May 20 to mark the beginning of the construction of its new production facility in Karawang, West Java.
"The investment value for the factory is 2.1 trillion rupiah ( about $245 million)," he said at his office here.
Private sector wishes for stability
"Thailand should move forward and concentrate more on promoting economic growth after the country had been falling behind others because of the political conflict," Nandor von der Luehe, chairman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce, said yesterday.
Thailand's appeal strong despite challenges
Thailand's new government should look at improving the country's already good infrastructure to make it difficult to resist for foreign investors, most of whom continue to have a positive long-term outlook despite political ups and downs.
"What is needed is the development of infrastructure and long-term planning," said Peter Eliot, head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand and the country head of Citibank.
JAKARTA GLOBE: Indonesia’s Growth Potential Putting Automakers in Gear
Indonesia’s automotive sector is experiencing a surge of investment that could take it back to its glory days in the 1990s, and possibly even overtake Thailand as the Detroit of Southeast Asia.
Johnny Darmawan, president director of Toyota Astra Motor, said that with the country’s strong economic growth, young population and availability of resources, it was inevitable the company would step up its investment plans here.
THE STAR MALAYSIA: Drop in June car sales
PETALING JAYA: The amendments to the Hire-Purchase Act 1967 (HPA) that took effect on June 15 has caused delays in vehicle registrations and should result in lower total industry sales for the month.
Car players said the drop did not mean people were buying fewer cars but reflected the longer time to book a sale and they expect the registration numbers to smoothen out in July.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
BANGKOK POST: Auto revival unlikely before next year
Thailand's struggling automotive industry is expected to see a revival by the first or second quarter next year, says Vivek Vaidya, director of the Asia-Pacific automotive and transport practice with the industry consultancy Frost & Sullivan.
Based on the current scenario, total vehicle sales are projected to drop by 29% year-on-year to 434,000 units this year from 615,000 units sold in 2008. Sales of pickup trucks could decline 32% to 226,000 units and those of passenger cars by 14% to 195,000 units.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
THE NATION: Thai Competitiveness conference under way
The Thailand Competitiveness Conference 2009 will kick off today in the Grand Ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel in Bangkok.
Speakers will discuss how to boost the Kingdom's competitiveness.
The two-day conference will be hosted by the Thai Institute of Directors Association in cooperation with the Thailand Management Association, the Board of Trade, the National Economic and Social Development Board and the Stock Exchange of Thailand.