Other sources of information are Institutes and standards authorities. They may or may not charge for membership. However, faster information can be gotten from tech news blogs. They give the word on the streets and provide solutions whenever unorthodox methods are called for. Even though references and citations are not common in any technology blog, mistakes are often corrected by other participants. Newspapers do not feature much on technology while magazines tend to be oriented on consumerism. Technology how tos articles featured online are the only resort for those who need practical solutions.
Of course copying from a review on the internet is a no-no. Just imagine if your clientele or management team already saw the article you borrowed from. Come up with your own line material but with a solid foundation. It's easy after going through several technology guides. Combining several inputs from technology articles equals a new intriguing outlook. Getting ahead in your career or tech business may be hinged on your ability to keep up with technology. Competitors are always at your heels and clients keep demanding for more technology. Being a regular visitor of tech blogs can be very helpful.
At the office, a project team leader can setup sharing of information resources populated from technology guides. This keeps team members updated and gives them resource reference through database access in the intranet. Keeping project running on schedule means keeping people informed only with the right information. So it is not best for everyone to indulge in their own research. However for projects implemented by team members across the globe, meetings are held as part of a private technology blog. This may be implemented by setting up a corporate portal where expertise will be shared enlightening all key participants.
Troubleshooting of software is a common topic in tech blogs - it is vendor and task specific. Whenever a user cannot find a configuration in the default help files, he may try searching on a tech news blog. The problem may be unique and unusual and therefore may require a radically different approach. Sometimes the inquiry is about a product whose manual is in a foreign language. The international community is there to help in such cases. There are many software developers out there who have come up with software patches for common compatibility glitches. The description and links to their products are usually included in technology articles.